My family

My family

Friday, September 3, 2010

Well, I survived Bella's first week of kindergarten and she LOVED every minute!  Her highlights countdown (according to her) were:

5. Computer class....she cannot believe she gets to "do work" on a computer all by herself and that they each have an I-Touch to work on in their class!   My girl is High -Tech!

4.  Getting to be Queen of the Day on Thursday....this paper was sent home with her

I have no idea what "Queen of the Day" means or what it entails...but she was IT!!  That's all that mattered to her!

3.   Getting to go to the library.  (Apparently she likes any class that gets her out of the "classroom"...much like her mommy!  :-)

2.  Walking in by herself......on Friday.  Yes, it took me until Friday to be okay with it! :-)

1.  Getting to buy her lunch on Friday!  Her choices:  Strawberry milk, cheese pizza, and a pushup pop...super healthy, huh?!?!?    I went up and had lunch with her and decided to let her make her choices b/c I won't be able to go every Friday when she buys...those were her choices.  I guess I'll be "upping" her veggies and fruit intake when she's at home to offset that lovely meal! :-)

Will and Carter had a fun week! We tried to stay busy to keep from missing Bella...we went shopping, played at the playground, went swimming and I had to work 2 days so they stayed at the church where childcare was provided.  It's been nice to spend more time with just the 2 of them and I feel like they talk even more now that a certain sister isn't with us all day and dominating the conversation.  :-) 
We are getting pretty tan from being in the sun all summer! (Don't worry I had them "cover up" the private stuff!)  :-)   They look like they are wearing white shorts, don't they?!?!

We have learned that carpool lines can be long and boring, so they are thrilled that I let them watch movies in the car during that time!

                         This is our excitement for 30 + minutes every afternoon! :-)

 We are getting used to living here though and are enjoying so many aspects of it!  We love that we get to spend so much time together as a family! We are so thankful that Daddy has a job that he LOVES.  And it doesn't take him out of town all the time and we get to have dinner together every night!  You learn to appreciate those things after you go awhile without having them! Thankfully the weather has also cooled down somewhat and that makes mommy so much happier!   Angela + extreme weather of any kind = crazy lady   :-)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to our "Queen of the Day". It is good to receive the recognition during the first week of school.
    Loved the boys' tan lines!
