My family

My family

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Boys 1st day of school

Yesterday was the day!  I was kind of sad because we LOVED our old school in Nashville and we had been there for so long it was hard to think about NOT being there yesterday when they started.  But, we have been blessed with a fantastic school here and one of my dearest friends is the director!  The boys get to be in the same class (which they haven't been since they were babies) and they really liked their teacher.  They had 9 kids in their class...7 boys and 2 girls!  :-)  Their teacher said they were both EXCELLENT and so well behaved which made Mommy and Daddy proud!   Will said his favorite part of school was Spaniosh class and Carter said his favorite part was playing with the Batman toys! 

                               Will and Carter before leaving for school! 

                              Will and Mrs. Dimps

                    Carter and Mrs. Dimps

Their teacher's name is actually Mrs. Dymphna (pronounced dimp-f-na).   She's Irish and has only lived in the States 7 years and has the prettiest accent!  So, since her name is a little hard to pronounce...the kids all call her Mrs. Dimps.  :-)

The exciting part about school for them is that I'm there with them everyday they go.  I am teaching a 3 year old class that is right next door to their class!  I met my kids last Wed. night at Meet the Teacher and we had a pretty good first day!  I was thankful that not one of my kids in my class cried which I did NOT expect...but was pleasantly surprised!!   My class is very boy heavy too...7 boys and 2 girls but they all seem very sweet!

Here are pictures of my classroom.....

   This is my door (it's a split door)  it says "Swinging into Mrs Angela's class"

Outside hall bulletin board and bananas as their tags on their hooks

     This is my teaching wall.  We do most of our circletime in front of this board.....calendar, days of the week, numbers, weather, letter of the week, shapes, etc...)   The shelf holds all my different centers.

         This one is harder to see but it sayd Monkey Mischief and I attach some of their art each week to the black pieces of construction paper to show off their work.

       Here you can see the top half of my door swung open. The monkeys on the wall are the colors.   This is one of the letter centers (magnet easel) and then a few toys we use for pretend play, cars, and reading center.

I'm very thankful the other ladies I work with are super sweet, too!  That always makes going to work more pleasant! 

So we made it thru our first's to a great year of learning and fun!!!


  1. We were sad yesterday that you weren't at school. Your classroom looks amazing! It is so nice and looks like you have a lot of room to work with. The boys are getting so big! We miss you!

  2. Your classroom looks so good Angela! Nice Job!
