My family

My family

Friday, October 15, 2010

When did they grow up??

Our precious boys are 4 1/2 now and there are some days recently when I've looked at them and been shocked by how big they are.  They are so tall and handsome and can do so much by themselves!  Some of our good friends, Justin and Alyson Steiner , have twin boys that are in the NICU now and hopefully getting to come home soon!  It's so unbelievable to see their sweet little boys at 4 lbs 14 oz (Which was Will's weight when he was born) so tiny and then to look at my boys and realize how FAST it happens!  There were a lot of days that were difficult...(I mean, hello I had 3 kids under 18 months) and I just wished for them to get a bit bigger, start sleeping more, start walking more, start doing more....   But if I could go back and hold them just one more time as tiny babies I would in a second! But, since I can't seem to convince them that it's cool to be wrapped up in a blanket and and rocked at the age of 4 - I am enjoying where they are now so entirely..... knowing the next stage will be here soon enough!

We had picture day at preschool yesterday!

            Will is our "funny" guy!  Always looking to make us smile and I can always tell when he's up to no good b/c he has a very "impish" grin!  Blue eyes are as bright as ever!  We has an extremely empathetic heart and loves his daddy!  He's forever coming downstairs dressed in Dan's clothes!!  Anything to be just like daddy!  He's a peacemaker...which is a good thing to have with three kids!  

                                    Sweet brothers!

                               So handsome!

                  Carter is Mr. Independent!  He lets me know a thousand times a day "I can do it all by myself!"  He is super competitive and sees everything in black and white.  Everything has to be done fair...otherwise he will let me know that it's not! :-)  He is very detailed and likes to do things right!    He is a mommy's boy for sure and can be so upset about something yet, if I start scratching his back he melts into a puddle on my lap and can lay there for an hour! He loves to make others happy and is always doing sweet things for me and Bella (i.e. cleaning up a mess, making her bed)!  

These boys keep me busy and laughing!!!  I love them!

First Field Trip!

Bella had her first field trip on Wednesday!  We went to the pumpkin patch in Celina but I'm not sure if the pumpkin patch was her favorite part or the bus she got to ride to and from the pumpkin patch!   :-)

We had so much fun and I loved getting to see her with all of her friends!  She's so funny and sweet and I love that she's completely confident and doesn't care what the other kids are doing.  If she enjoys something or is having fun, then that's all that matters to her!  I hope and pray that this quality stays with us for a long time!

She has some really sweet friends and I loved getting to know some of the other moms that were there too! 

                                        Waiting in line for our hayride!  Naina, Bella and Rome

                                              Kim and Bella

                        Rome, Bella and Natalia with the pumpkins they chose!

                                       Her class 

                                    Bella's class with her teacher, Mrs. Thomas                                     

                                      Francesca, Bella and Sarah

                                    Bella feeding  the animals

                                         Having our picnic lunch!

                                      Mrs. Thomas and Bella                                                                                        We are so thankful to have such a WONDERFUL kindergarten teacher!        

                                  Bella and Sarah and Naina

What a fun time to get to experience with Bella!  She's doing so great in school!  I had a conference with Mrs. Thomas last week and she said she was so honored to get to be Isabella's teacher.  She said that Bella was a great leader and was always so kind to all of the other kids!  She is the only girl at an all boy table and she said she is a "mother hen" to them.  Always helping them stay on task without being bossy (surprised me on that one :-)  and that she has helped them all do better in school!    She said she has a high reading level and just excels at anything they have done!  We are so proud of our little girl!

Lolli comes to town!

My mom came to see us while she was on fall break and we had such a great time.  Even when a stomach bug tried to ruin our fun....  :-)    Lolli got in on Thursday evening and Carter and I were in the middle of the yuckiness but by the next morning we were feeling much better...thank goodness!  It about killed me to be able to see my mom and not hug her neck on Thursday so I was so glad we were able to be normal on Friday!  We went to Bella's school so mom could meet her teacher and have lunch with her! (Except i forgot my camera for that one...whoops!  Mom had hers though.)  Then the boys and I went to lunch with Lolli and went shopping!

                    Playing with toys Lolli bought legos and games!

             They did a "show" for us in their dress up clothes!  Too funny!

                The kids got out their blankets that Dan's mom made them and had each one be a "station" and Lolli had to visit each station!   Carter's was a helicopter station!

              Bella's was a hair salon!  Good thing Lolli has a bendy neck! :-)

                Will's station was Toy Story toys!

                     Lolli got to come see the Sweethearts and Heatwaves play!  Unfortunately both games were at the exact same time so she trekked from field to field every quarter!   What a trooper!

                       Before church Sunday morning, we took some pictures!       

                         And we got to go try out a new pumpkin patch on Sunday afternoon!

                                I think they loved the rides best!  

            Especially the ferris wheel!   Carter insisted on riding by himself!                                 

                                            me and my amazing mother!

                           My three sweet kiddos!

                             That night Lolli and Bella got the yucky stomach bug, but at least we still got to do a lot of fun stuff together!  And it was short lived so Lolli was fine by the time she flew home the next day!   We so enjoyed a weekend of  Lolli hugs and kisses and especially Lolli homemade meatballs!!  YUM!!  :-)

Love you, mommy!  Thanks for spending your time off with us!  Can't wait until Christmas! It will be here before you know it!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Changing the world....

This past week Isabella's school had college week.  They talk about the importance of college and tried to encourage the kids to start thinking about their future.  They had dress up days like "wear your fav college tshirt" and Slipper Day.  Another one of the dress up days was Dress as your Future Career Day.  I was really excited when I saw this on the calendar b/c we have some great dress up clothes.....airline pilot, policeman, dr. nurse, etc..   So I started asking Bella which one she wanted to wear.  She said none of them because she doesn't want to be any of those things.  So I was totally open to her wearing something different and asked her to give me a couple of things she was interested in and then we could figure out the best choice.  Here was her list:

1. A Chick -Fil-A helper
2. A ballerina
3. A Disney Princess

Her choices cracked me up!

 After many hours of me trying to bribe and convince her to wear a costume of a job that actually needs "some" advanced schooling,  I finally gave in after she reminded me, "You said I could be whatever I want to be when I grow up!"   Here she is...future employee of Chick-Fil-A!!

So I guess we're going to change the world one Chick-Fil-A at a time!

P.S.  Her teacher told me she was the hit of the school!  She does look so cute!