My family

My family

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

2 Captain Americas and a Ladybug Girl

This halloween was by far the best one we've had in terms of the kids really "getting" it!   They were very excited about their costumes that Lolli had gotten them when she was in town a few weeks ago and had been BEGGING to wear them around the house!  But I stayed firm...I think the first time you wear it should be on Halloween...and  my luck if I let them play in them before Halloween they would have ruined them somehow and we would've had a complete and total meltdown.  So for the safety (and sanity) of  those of us in the house...dress up can be played AFTER Halloween!  So here they are in their costumes....

    Carter wasn't sure about his mask and more times than not during the night he pushed the eyes of it up on his forehead, but he was excited he matched Will!

     Every house we went to that said "Oh what a cute Ladybug!"  Isabella said loudly, "I am not a ladybug....I am Ladybug Girl!"  I tried to explain to her that not everyone has read the book Ladybug Girl so they might not know and she said to me, "But Mom, I look JUST like Ladybug Girl.  How could they not tell?"  I gave up....
    This boy thought he was hot stuff and was "shooting" bad guys constantly with his glow in the dark stick!

We stopped by Chris and Brandi's house first and got to trick or treat there.  Of course this is where I realized I forgot my camera and only got a picture of them together on my phone and of course I have no idea how to get it on my computer  :(    

This is also where Dan taught the kids what a Reeces peanut Butter Cup was and how they should ALWAYS go for the "big orange" ones.  He also informed them that whoever brought home the most wins...well if you know my kids and how competitive they are I'm sure you know we have DOZENS of Reeces that were brought home.  Daddy was happy!

Then we headed off to Chris and Libba's house b/c their neighborhood was having a block party with bounce houses and pizza!  That was a LOT of fun!  Then we started off our trick or treating by hitting a few houses with Kenzie and Berkley!

   They went right up to the houses and somehow thought it was okay to go IN a few of the houses.  So we had a have some quick reminders that these are strangers houses and that we ONLY go to the front porch.....then they were off again!
   After awhile we headed out to stop by a few more houses!  We had to hit Aubrey and Jen's and make sure our friends Grady-bug and Jettaroo (as they are affectionately called by my kids :-)  got their special Halloween treats from us!  
   Not sure if Bella is throwing up a gang sign or what!!  ;-)  But didn't they look cute?

   Then we hit up the McKinzie house and got some good candy, too! 

We left our car there and walked around the block in their neighborhood.  Literally, our kids couldn't carry their pumpkins by the time we made it was a TON of candy!   They actually wanted to keep going, so we went back into Melissa's to get some walmart bags so we could unload the candy into them and then they discovered the excitement of PASSING out we ended up just staying there for awhile!

   While we were there Dady was already starting to coerce the kids into giving him the good stuff!  See those tied up plastic sacks on the table....our candy filled up 3 of those FULL!  and that was after I took out the candy I don't let them eat and gave it to the older kids....CRAZY!   We're letting them have a treat every day this week and then the rest will go to our church fall festival this Sunday for them to use! :-)

               I know I'm partial, but they are seriously SO CUTE!!!!

Hope you all had a great Halloween too!!


  1. Wow, these are the cutest pictures I have ever seen. Did beautiful "Lulu" see Bumble Bee Boy while going from house to house?
    Loved the pushed up eyes on Carter's face mask. He is so handsome.
    Will looks like he just won Mr. Universe with his poses. I'll be sure to call on the boys to protect me from any harm.
    Dan is just like his grandfather (and his mother) in selecting all the choice pieces of candy from the pumpkin buckets.
    Thanks for sharing the pictures.
    Love and miss you!

  2. so fun! next year you must swing by our house- up here. :)

  3. Dang....I'm coming to Texas next Halloween, y'all know how to do it!
